Tag Archives: power

10 things I wish I could have told myself over the past 10 years.


We all remember our first years as a teenager. Life sucked, drama ensued and you hated your parents. On a more serious note, often, teenage years lead to depression, suicide and sexual promiscuity. Experimentation with drugs and alcohol as well as more dangerous activities are often pursued. As one enters college, if these activities weren’t an issue in high school, they most likely are now. I feel like I’ve gained a completely different perspective in each year that I turn older, and I’ve made a list of the top 10 things I wish I would have known, or gone back and told myself over the past 10 years.

10.) Don’t let what others think of you interfere with how YOU think of you.

9.) Confidence is the best accessory.

8.) Don’t be afraid to say NO.

7.) Find healthy and positive ways to deal with your emotions. Alcohol and partying seems like an escape, but facing your demons head on and conquering with yoga, meditation or writing is a much better approach.

6.) Don’t let your friends rule your life. Weed out the bad eggs and fill your life with positive, uplifting people.

5.) Rejection isn’t the end of the world. Take it as a learning experience and try to find one way to improve yourself as a result.

4.) Don’t ever let a supervisor or boss make you feel inferior or less of a person. You are worthy, and when your mental health starts to deteriorate because of work, seek new employment.

3.) Think ahead of your actions. You often make brash decisions without fear of consequences and it leads you to trouble.

2.) Make a plan and stick to it. Nothing is more unattractive than flakiness, and it will make you a better person.

1.) Life is hard. There’s no way around it. You just have to endure the punches and ride the waves. Don’t ever let it break your spirit. Stay positive and positive things will come your way.